UPDATE - 02/20/2025
We, the undersigned brokers, financial professionals, attorneys, and members of the broader Jewish community, respectfully urge you to accommodate the needs of the observant Jewish community by adopting a Kosher Heter Iska.
Jewish law (Halacha) prohibits conventional interest-bearing loans in various settings, creating a barrier for observant Jewish individuals and businesses looking for loans. The Heter Iska is a well-established, rabbinically endorsed framework that restructures loans in a manner that allows Jewish clients to engage in lending transactions without compromising their religious principles. This framework has been widely recognized and utilized for decades, offering a viable solution to reconcile faith with modern financial practices.
Without a Heter Iska, you inadvertently exclude a dedicated and growing segment of potential clients. The Jewish community seeks to partner with lenders who respect its values—not to be excluded from opportunities due to a lack of religious accommodation.
We do not ask for special treatment—only equal access to financial tools that honor our values. The Jewish community wishes to thrive alongside your institution, not in spite of it. By adopting a Heter Iska, you send a powerful message: All clients deserve respect, dignity, and opportunity.
We hope and trust you will consider this with the sensitivity and urgency it deserves to ensure we can continue and establish stronger business relationships that will benefit you and the community as a whole.
Together, we can bridge the gap between faith and finance.
Sign the Petition
888-534-0111 info@kfikosher.org